“Arroz a la Cubana” is the name that I always heard at home for this dish. And its as simple as rice with tomato sauce, fried banana and fried eggs. In my case, and because my daughter doesn´t like fried eggs, we prepare them scrambled and we mix them all together.

And that´s what I love about simple (but yet delicious) homemade meals: we can change as many ingredients and steps as we want, to fit the recipe into what we like! There are many options! Try new things and prepare your healthy meals with the ingredients that you like!

Anyway, to prepare this dish, you need:

Rice, tomato sauce, 1 banana per person, 1 egg per person, 1 garlic clove, olive oil and salt

How do we prepare it?

  1. Boil the rice
  2. In a pan with some heated olive oil, cook slightly the garlic clove and then add the rice. Stir and add the tomato sauce. Keep stirring it, cover and reserve
  3. In another pan, fry the bananas with some olive oil at lower-heat
  4. Use the same pan to fry the eggs
  5. Put everything together on a plate and you´re done!

Wasn´t it easy? Enjoy!

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